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Showing posts with the label Project

Python Project - 2 (Simple Calculator)

Idea and Need: Every one of us uses default calculator on PC (yeah, it's a great one...), but as a programmer, we are the one who spends most of the time on CMD or terminal (for MAC once). So why not create a simple calculator which can be used on CMD and yes, it feels so good when you use your own programs to complete daily stuff. So let's see what steps you should follow... Steps: We have to create a menu which has the option to select which operation to perform. You can add as many operations as you want, but I am taking following basic one: Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division(remember about 0...😎) Power Square Root Natural Log Log to base 10 Factorial Show user that what are you doing...for example if it is the addition of 2 and 3, print 2 + 3 = 5 on screen. After performing any operation ask the user if he/she again want to use the calculator. If yes, run calculator again otherwise exit the program. Take help of google, stack overflow whe...

Python Project - 1 (Password Locker)

Hello reader, this is my first post on this blog. I created this blog for various purposes including First and most importantly improve my coding Help others to learn various concepts in programming  To complete my hobby of blogging So, I am starting various series simultaneously, hope I will able to continue them. In this " Python Project " series, I will create simple python projects and will give step by step procedure to do that. I think you should first try to complete code yourself, then if you get stuck anywhere, feel free to check steps, refer complete code or comment for more help. Let's begin... Idea and Need: You probably have accounts on many different websites. It is a bad habit to have the same password and it is difficult to remember all passwords. So it is a good idea to use "Password Manager Software". So why not create it yourself? So let's see what steps you should follow... Steps: We have to create a menu which has the...