Hi everyone, it's been 2 days seen my last post. So sorry, for this gap...but it was really unavoidable. I was also thinking what to do next in our web development journey. So let's discuss what I was planning...
The Plan
In the last 70 days, we have learned complete HTML and lot of CSS with various examples and layouts. We have covered almost all basic CSS needed for web development but yes, a lot is remaining which includes:- CSS Grid
- CSS Flexbox
- CSS Animations
- Responsive layouts and much more...
But before going any further, I think we should practice what we have already learned so that we become perfect in what we know.
How to practice?
According to me(and many others) there is no better way to practice web development than Free Code Camp. If you have never heard about, freeCodeCamp is a nonprofit organization that consists of an interactive learning web platform. It has small quizzes where you have to write a code which will be checked and if it is correct you go to next question.
Why I am telling this now?
Because we have completed the first part of their Front End Development and it's time for you to check how much you really learned in the last 2-3 months...The HTML and CSS part has approximately has 60 challenges and they are really nice for practice. One more reason is that I am going to be busy next week due to my exams so it will be unable to write a blog for next 5-6 days, but don't worry I will be back on next Saturday. Here is homework you will finish till then:
- Sign up for the Free Code Camp
- Complete the HTML and CSS part
- Sign up on Sololearn
- Complete HTML course on it
- If time permits, you can get more knowledge about various HTML and CSS concepts here:
Feel free to ask any doubts.That's all for today. In the next part, we will dive deep into CSS. Till then #keepCoding.
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